Sometimes, it can feel like you’re doing everything right, but you’re still not seeing results! We understand the frustration of standing in front of the mirror and not seeing the progress you hoped you would. And if you’re looking to get rid of cellulite, progress can seem especially slow.
Of course, you want to see results as soon as possible, but the idea of an invasive aesthetic procedure can be intimidating. So, can you lose your cellulite without surgery?
Renew Aesthetics is so excited to offer Emtone, a premier cellulite machine in Arkansas. Emtone uses noninvasive technology to stimulate tight and healthy skin growth. The treatment is designed to be easy, fast, and relatively comfortable. You can lose your cellulite without weeks of post-op recovery time.
I’m Sorry, Cellu-What?
I’m sure we’re all vaguely aware of what cellulite is: small dimples in the skin, typically located in fattier areas of the body such as the thighs and buttocks.. But even though many of us have cellulite (and lots of us dislike it), you might be surprised to learn that scientists don’t know all that much about what causes it.
Why do you have cellulite?
Skin is connected to the muscles through microscopic threads, and a small layer of fat lies between them. After the body stores additional fat, the fat cells imprint the skin from below. At the same time, the threads pull back against the skin. This is where cellulite gets its distinctive, bumpy texture.
Okay, now you have a good idea of why you get cellulite, but what if you want to get rid of it? Can cellulite be reduced through exercise and an extensive workout routine? Can a cellulite machine in Arkansas really be your best option to remove cellulite?
Why can’t you lose cellulite?
First, we’ll start with the good news: Cellulite is a completely harmless condition. That’s right, cellulite itself cannot hurt you. But you’re probably trying to get rid of cellulite because you’re not a fan of how it looks, and we understand that.
A little more good news: Cellulite is incredibly common. In fact, 80–90% of all women have cellulite. And while it is significantly less common in men (less than 10% will have cellulite), that still accounts for many, many people in the world.
To be clear, cellulite is nothing to be ashamed of. We don’t think that you should view any of your features as a problem. But, you can change your features to fit the body you’ve always wanted. We want our clients to be proud of how they look, and our treatments are designed to address common insecurities.
Unfortunately, if you’re trying to lose your cellulite without the help of a cellulite clinic, then we have some bad news: You cannot completely rid your body of cellulite with exercise.
This might be a little disappointing at first, but don’t kick yourself. Any time spent in the gym is still a great way to keep your body healthy and lean. Besides, all that exercise may help reduce the severity of your cellulite. It just won’t eliminate cellulite all on its own.
Now, there’s a chance that you’re actually genetically predetermined to have more cellulite than others. Unfortunately, this means you might have to find alternative methods if you want perfectly smooth skin.
Don’t worry: Our team might just have that method.
The Renew Aesthetics Technique
The Renew Philosophy
Renew Aesthetics is a medical spa in Rogers, AR, and we’re thrilled to offer Emtone to help treat stubborn cellulite. Founded in 2015, we’re an extension of Ozark Regional Vein & Artery Center. And we don’t just work on cellulite—we offer a plethora of other aesthetics and wellness products.

Our objective has stayed consistent from the beginning: We wanted to help our patients achieve the best medical care possible in a relaxing, spa-like environment. We figured if we’re going to make a med-spa, we need to give equal attention to the med and the spa. We might be a team of trained medical professionals, but our facility is designed to help put you at ease.
The Renew Team
Our founder, Dr. Kevin Haney, is a true professional with decades of experience under his belt. He knows that there’s real value in continuing to educate himself in the aesthetic world. As technology changes and advances, he knows that keeping his knowledge up to date is a great way to ensure that his customers have the best experience possible.
Dr. Haney isn’t the only professional we have on board. In fact, our entire team consists of trained medical professionals with a passion for helping patients feel their best.
Our patients are varied—we serve people from all over the northwestern Arkansas area. Over the years, we’ve loved watching all kinds of unique patients walk through our door. Everyone is different, and it’s important to us that we see the beauty in all our customers, no matter what.
Cellulite Loss With Emtone
The Emtone is an exciting new cellulite machine in Arkansas designed to minimize or eliminate cellulite from the body. While a machine that can get rid of your cellulite with minimal effort might sound like something out of Star Trek, the Emtone is actually an FDA-approved method for cellulite treatment.
The Emtone is not only noninvasive, but it’s also incredibly convenient. The entire process will likely take less than an hour, and the treatment is comfortable for many patients. Certain fat removal treatments may require surgery or long recovery periods, but Emtone is a very simple process.
The Energy Behind Emtone
Emtone uses revolutionary science to help treat unwanted cellulite. The science is based on a combination of 2 energies: radiofrequency (otherwise known as RF) and targeted pressure energy. These energies work hand in hand to treat cellulite-affected areas, stimulating the skin so it looks smoother, tauter, and healthier.
To see the most significant reduction or even complete erasure of your cellulite, you’ll likely need multiple treatment sessions.
Emtone’s Other Benefits
Emtone can fix more than just cellulite. Skin begins to droop and sag with age. It’s nothing to be ashamed of—it’s just the skin’s natural response to gravity over the years. Collagen is the key to healthier and younger-looking skin, but as we age, the body produces less and less of it. Emtone, however, works to stimulate the body’s collagen production.
Emtone doesn’t only work to reduce cellulite, it also helps increase your skin’s elasticity. Emtone can help your skin bounce back against gravity. The combination of less cellulite and younger-looking skin could allow your skin to take on a whole new look.
Trying Emtone for Yourself
Consult With Us
We hope you’re interested in trying the premier cellulite machine in Arkansas for your own cellulite treatment. But how can you schedule an Emtone appointment? We start the process with an involved consultation.
As a group of medical professionals, we want to get to know our patients before we advise any treatment. None of Renew’s treatments are one-size-fits-all, so we want to ensure we’re prescribing a treatment that can work best for you specifically.
If we do decide that Emtone is right for you, then we’ll be sure to explain the procedure in as much detail as we can. You may have questions, and if so, that’s great! We’ll give you an opportunity to voice any confusion you may have about the procedure.
Our treatments work best when you’re at ease, so we prefer it if you ask any questions you may have. Your relaxation makes our job so much easier and your experience more enjoyable!
Relax With Our Treatment
Now that you’ve asked questions and we’ve prepped you for the treatment, we can actually begin the Emtone process. First, we’ll bring you into the treatment room. Next, we’ll rub a healthy amount of ultrasound gel on the prescribed area. Ultrasound gel gives Emtone the best possible results.
You’ll be able to sit back and relax as one of our providers will rub the Emtone wand over the treatment area. This wand massage should last around 10 to 30 minutes. Really—the entire treatment only lasts half an hour! You don’t have to spend hours and hours on healthy-looking skin.
What Happens After the Treatment
Now that the treatment is over, what’s next? Well, you may be excited to learn that you don’t have to do much at all. The beauty of the Emtone process is that once the treatment is complete, you’re free to go!
You don’t have to stay overnight, and you don’t have to bring in a friend to drive you home. Emtone is also designed to give patients a painless recovery. We don’t want our customers to leave our facility feeling any kind of discomfort. We believe aesthetic help should be a part of daily life, like a haircut or a doctor’s check up.
Want the most pronounced results? One of the ways you can help reduce cellulite fast is with several treatments. You likely won’t see significant cellulite reduction until after multiple treatments.
We highly recommend that you schedule at least 6 Emtone treatments to see the full effects of the RF and targeted pressure energy. Emtone results don’t happen overnight, but after multiple treatments, you can really see the cellulite reduction effects.
Talk to Us About Emtone
We hope you’ll agree that it is one of the most exciting cellulite machines in Arkansas. You can take steps to schedule your own Emtone treatment right now.

Our treatment costs are highly competitive, but if you want to learn more about how to schedule a payment plan, or if you’d like to know about special sales and deals, then let us know! We can discuss how you can begin paying for your treatments.
One of the most exciting things about working in the aesthetics industry is getting to help people feel better about the way they look. Lots of people struggle with their appearance every day, so when we tell our patients that they have affordable and convenient options to help treat their insecurities, it’s the best part of our day.
We created Renew Wellness because we wanted to make the aesthetics experience relaxing, engaging, and fun. Does that sound like something you might be interested in? Great! We think we’re pretty easy to talk to. You can schedule a consultation to meet with us about Emtone, and we’ll see if it’s the right fit for you and your body.
Still unsure? We’ve got a virtual consultation tool. You can walk yourself through a simple, easy-to-understand assessment.
This virtual consultation provides us with additional information that can help us discern which of our treatments will be most effective to treat your aesthetic concerns. The virtual consultation only takes a few minutes, so set aside some time. We’d love to hear from you.