Frequently Asked Questions

Related to Med Spa Services & Aesthetics

Are there any side effects of the Q-Switch machine?

How long does it take to see results after a session with the Splendor X device?

Does laser hair removal work for any skin type?

How long does the laser hair removal treatment take?

How can I prepare for a laser hair removal treatment?

How many Splendor X treatments does a patient need?

Is the laser hair removal device safe for sensitive areas?

Can I receive laser hair removal anywhere on my body?

Is the laser hair removal process the same for everyone?

Does laser hair removal hurt?

How long does laser hair removal last?

Are there any side effects following laser hair removal in Rogers, AR?

How can I recover after laser hair removal?

Why did we choose Splendor X for laser hair removal in Rogers, AR?

How can I schedule a follow-up procedure?

Are you affiliated with Ozark Regional Vein Center?

What should I expect following the Q-Switch treatment?

Are there any steps I can take to prepare myself for the Q-Switch?

Is the Q-Switch treatment right for me?

How many treatments will I need?

Does the Q-Switch procedure hurt?

Am I the right candidate for this treatment?

Why does SmoothGlo combine multiple treatments?

Where is Renew Aesthetics located?

How long do dermal fillers last?

What's the best way to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles?

What kind of weight loss services do you offer?

What can I expect during my free cosmetic consultation?

How much experience do your medical professionals have?