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hair loss in Rogers


Aging Skin Treatments in Rogers: A Breakdown of Wrinkle Types and Solutions

As we age, our bodies go through numerous changes. And as a skin clinic, we know that many people want to combat the effects of aging on their skin. 

Renew’s aging skin treatments in Rogers offer a variety of benefits for all types of wrinkles, and we thought it would be helpful to break down our treatments by wrinkle type! Whether you’re looking for preventative options or to take years off your skin’s appearance, we’ve got an anti-aging treatment for everyone.

Forehead lines

How they form

Forehead lines are one of the most common types of wrinkles that form on our faces as we age. Raising our eyebrows is a natural way of expression, and the more often you do this, the deeper these wrinkles can get. Spending time in the sun can also cause forehead wrinkle formation. If you don’t use sunscreen or wear hats when you’re spending time under the sun’s rays, the likelihood of forehead lines deepening can increase.

How to treat

Luckily, because so many people are looking to treat forehead lines, there are many treatment options available 😊

Neuromodulator injections such as Botox, Dysport, and Jeuveau are among the most popular options for treating forehead lines. These FDA-approved injectables relax your facial muscles to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. 

Bonus: Neuromodulators like Botox help prevent you from raising those brows too much and creating/deepening your forehead lines! 🥳 Don’t worry, you’ll still look natural and be able to fully express yourself. 

Dermal fillers are another option for treating forehead lines, and you can even use them in combination with neuromodulator injections. 

What to Expect at Your Wrinkle Filler Treatment in Rogers

Crow’s feet

How they form

Crow’s feet form at the corners of your eyes from natural eye expressions like smiling and squinting. While these lines are pretty much unavoidable as you age, you can help prevent crow’s feet (and any other lines and wrinkles) with adequate sun protection. Along with hats and/or sunscreen, UV-protected sunglasses are an easy way to protect this delicate skin around the eye from photoaging 🕶  Don’t worry, Renew offers multiple treatments to reduce the appearance of crow’s feet. 

How to treat

We typically recommend injectables like neuromodulators and dermal fillers to treat fine lines and wrinkles, as they smooth out the skin in the corners of your eyes. Your consultation with your Renew provider can help determine what will help your specific goals for treatment. We may even recommend using both neuromodulators and fillers for the best results.

Nasolabial folds

How they form

Nasolabial folds are the lines that show up from the sides of your nose to the corners of your mouth. They form from both smiling and the effects of gravity on your skin over the years. While we don’t discourage smiling, we can definitely help you address nasolabial folds to make them less prominent 😉 

How to treat

If your nasolabial folds are not significantly prominent, dermal filler can be a quick fix for these lines! Dermal filler will help to restore volume and smooth out the surface area.

Another treatment option to help nasolabial folds and stimulate collagen production is Sculptra®. Sculptra® is a poly-L-lactic acid collagen stimulator. Collagen helps your skin have structure and bounce, and collagen production can help reverse the drooping effects on aging skin. Once it’s injected, Sculptra® helps to smooth wrinkles and folds and stimulate collagen production to restore facial volume to smooth out nasolabial folds.

Marionette lines

How they form

Marionette lines are lines that go from the corners of the mouth down the rest of the lower half of your face, similar to the lines of a marionette puppet. Like nasolabial folds, these lines are largely due to the natural aging process, gravity, and less collagen in our skin. As you age, your body’s amount of collagen produces reduces, giving your skin less “support” and structure, forming lines.

How to treat

As with nasolabial folds, we like to recommend a collagen-boosting treatment like Sculptra® to reduce or eliminate marionette lines on the face. If you’re looking for a laser collagen treatment, we recommend LaseMD. This laser is non-ablative, meaning that it is gentle but powerful on the skin to create “micro-channels.” These micro-channels trigger your body’s healing process and collagen production. 

Other treatment options:

Smile lines / laugh lines

How they form

Just like the name, smile lines and laugh lines form when you’re doing either of these things 😁 While sun protection is always a must in order to help prevent these lines, repeated facial expressions can make them deeper. The good news is you don’t have to stop laughing or smiling! You can have the best of both worlds with a wrinkle treatment for this aging skin concern. 

How to treat

A quick treatment for these lines is dermal filler, which is used to restore any lost volume in this area and “fill in” the lines. Depending on your individual lines, a neuromodulator treatment might be a great way to smooth out your smile lines and help prevent them from deepening. 

Frown lines

How they form

Frown lines are lines or “11s” that are between the eyebrows and are a super common concern that we treat. These lines form with facial expressions, such as furrowing your brows when frustrated or angry. They can even occur when you’re just concentrating closely on something and unconsciously frowning. (We definitely relate to this one; we realized we were furrowing while writing this!) 

How to treat

The most popular way to treat frown lines or 11s is with Botox, a neuromodulator injection technique that smooths out lines and relaxes your muscles. Since so many of us unconsciously frown throughout our day (especially if we are spending a lot of time looking at screens), many of our patients love the muscle relaxation benefit. Your face will not look frozen, it will just look smooth! However, you’ll prevent those deep creases from forming between the brows. 

Neck lines

How they form

Like the rest of these skin concerns, neck lines are a natural part of aging skin. Our skin loses collagen and elasticity as we get older and gravity causes “drooping.” Other factors like smoking, sun exposure, and even just spending a lot of time looking down (like looking at a phone and causing creasing), can expedite neck line formation.

How to treat

Depending on your age and skin’s condition, there are many treatment options for neck lines. We can treat mild-to-moderate lines with neuromodulator or dermal filler injections to smooth the surface and help fill in any lost volume if needed. 

If your neck lines are more significant, and you’re also dealing with skin laxity (sagging skin), an Infini microneedling treatment may be for you! Infini microneedling goes deeper than the surface of the skin to deliver heat through radiofrequency energy. This heat kicks collagen production into overdrive to produce tighter, firmer skin while reducing neck lines and laxity. 

Bonus: Infini is also a great treatment for skin laxity on the face and chest! 

Bunny lines

How they form 

Bunny lines are a cute name for the lines that form when you scrunch up your nose like a bunny 🐰 If you naturally scrunch your nose while laughing, these lines will form from the same repeated facial expression due to smiling or laughing.

How to treat

A little Botox in this area is the perfect way to smooth out your bunny lines without losing your natural expression. What it will do is prevent you from harshly wrinkling your nose and causing more wrinkles because it relaxes the muscle in the treatment area.  

Lines under eyes

How they form

Lines under eyes are super common, since this is such a delicate area of the skin that is very susceptible to skin laxity and the natural effects of gravity. With less collagen as you age to keep this area looking youthful, getting lines under your eyes is something we treat all the time.

How to treat

The best treatment for lines under eyes is to restore the lost facial volume in this area with dermal filler. Filler can help fill in the lines and minimize the dark under-eye circles that often occur with hollowness. This creates a well-rested, youthful under eye area.

Crepey skin

How it forms

Crepey skin refers to skin that is thin, has wrinkles that resemble crepe paper, and is often lax or saggy. This skin condition is a natural occurrence of aging skin. You can also exacerbate crepey skin with sun damage, smoking, and other factors. The main way to help the appearance of crepey skin is to tighten it! 

How to treat

We have multiple skin tightening treatments available at Renew. One of our injectable options is Sculptra®, an FDA-approved injectable that stimulates collagen production to give you age-defying results that can last up to two years. 

For more advanced skin tightening, we offer Infini RF microneedling and Morpheus8 microneedling

Infini RF microneedling targets deep dermis layers of your skin to deliver heat energy. This process creates micro-channels in the skin to start your body’s natural healing process and collagen production, tightening the skin. 

Morpheus8 is the deepest microneedling treatment available; it is a fractional radiofrequency treatment that delivers skin, tissue, and collagen remodeling to improve your skin. And the best part is that it treats almost any body area! This includes face, neck, periorbital area, stomach, thighs, and buttocks. 

woman receiving aging skin treatments in Rogers at Renew

Tips for the Best Anti-Aging Skin Care

Get the best aging skin treatments in Rogers at Renew Aesthetics!

Most, if not all the aforementioned treatments target more than one skin concern, and you can find the best aging skin treatment in Rogers for you with a one-hour consultation with a Renew provider. This free, in-depth consultation is the time for you to tell us about your skin concerns and desired goals for treatment. 

From there, we will create an individualized plan for your skin that is tailored to your unique needs and wishes. We believe that the best care is personalized care, and that is what you will receive at Renew Aesthetics! 

We serve clients from all over Northwest Arkansas at our office in Rogers, from Bentonville and Springdale, to Fayetteville and beyond. Contact us at 479.668.0168 or schedule your consultation online today!


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